School Information

Note: The information below applies to a normal, in-person school year.


The student day begins at 7:30am and ends at 2:05pm.  

Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:25. 

Office Hours are 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Good attendance habits begin in elementary school.  Therefore, students must learn that they are expected to attend school regularly.  Personal illness, serious illness in the family, a death in the family, exposure to a contagious disease, and religious holidays are legitimately excusable absences.  If a child is absent, a parent must send a written note stating the reason for the absence when he/she returns to school.


Students arriving after 7:30 are considered tardy and must report to the main office before going to their classroom.  A note must accompany the child to excuse the tardy.  Refer to HCS Attendance Policy.


The parent or guardian must send a note to the teacher stating the reason for early dismissal, including the date and time.  All children must be picked up in the office before 1:45pm.  If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, a specific name must be stated in the note.  Children dismissed early will not be allowed to walk home alone.


Parents are invited to visit the school during your child's lunchtime and for scheduled meetings.  Please stop in the main office when you enter the building to pick up a visitor's badge.  Hampton City Schools now use the RAPTOR system to screen visitors. Please read about the Raptor System HERE.  We care about the safety and welfare of each child; it is our duty to ensure that each visitor has a legitimate reason for being at school.  You are welcome to visit, and we hope you realize this policy is meant to create a secure, safe learning environment for Peake students.


In order for students to learn efficiently, a climate of order and calm must exist.  Our intent is to encourage each student to become responsible and self- disciplined, ensuring the desired climate for effective learning.  We sincerely believe that all children can behave appropriately in classrooms when expectations for proper conduct are clear.  As staff members, we are responsible for communicating these expectations.  We view learning self-discipline as in integral component of the instructional process.



It is important for parents to discuss with their child a plan to follow if the school's closes early.   This would eliminate the need for each parent telephoning the school for directions.  Early closings are announced on all major news stations, all social media, and by a phone call from HCS.  Announcements are also made on Cable Channel 46.   HCS Info Line - 757-727-6789


Hampton City School’s breakfast and lunch programs are important components of the total school program and deserve your full support. Proper nourishment is a necessity if children are to do their best work. We try to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in our cafeteria so everyone can enjoy themselves as they eat. Children can also develop favorable social skills and attitudes in an informal setting. Nevertheless, students must assume certain responsibilities including:


In an effort to enhance student performance, Peake School and Nutrition Services will be providing breakfast for all students. Children who eat breakfast perform better in school; so please encourage your child to eat breakfast every morning--either at home or at school. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 to 7:25 a.m. in the school cafeteria. Breakfast will be served each school day--it’s fast, it’s delicious, and it’s supervised.  


All students will eat lunch in the cafeteria. Students who bring lunches should buy milk or juice; soft drinks are not permitted.  Parents are encouraged to eat lunch in the cafeteria.  Please notify the teacher if you plan to have lunch with your child. 


Parents and teachers are partners in the education of children.  Healthy positive communication between home and school is essential in order to meet individual students’ needs.  You may request a conference at any time.  Please contact the teacher to make necessary arrangements. P.T.A.  Active parental participation in school is a strong indication of school effectiveness.  This involvement sends a clear message to the child that what goes on in school is important.  When children see that school is important to their parents, it becomes important to them and they try their best.  The education of children is a team effort. In order to ensure the best results, parents, and teachers must work cooperatively.  Children must see that a healthy and harmonious relationship exists between home and school for them to feel that the school is operating in their best interest.  You are encouraged to join our school P.T.A. and be an active participant.  Our dues are $5.00 per person.


The PTA, SCA, and other school organizations will periodically sponsor fund-raising projects to raise monies for school-related purposes.  Parents will be asked to sign permission forms allowing their children to bring home order forms.  Order forms will not go home without prior permission.  Adults, not children, should take orders.  Family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers make good customers.  Solicitation of sales from door to door is prohibited.